Garden Gourmet - “Incredible Burger & Sausage” | TV Commercial
“For Garden Gourmet we wanted to show the new, completely meatless, Incredible Burger and Sausage in the ultimate romantic grill party setting. (Albeit completely Covid safe, both from a shooting and narrative standpoint.)
In short vignettes we wanted to highlight all kinds of different, delicious recipes for all kinds of different tastes. Inspiring and surprising.
The challenge was to show authentic and unique character moments within these really short snippets of time, which, with this delightful cast, was lots of fun to do!”
Client: Garden Gourmet
Agency: Grey New York
Production: MediaMonks
Creatives: Talia Bradicich, Mike Latshaw
DOP: Boas van Milligen Bielke
Editor: Joshua Menco
Grading: Erik @ De Grot
Producer: Elise Hagendoorn
Garden Gourmet - “Incredible Burger ” | Alt. Version | TV Commercial